Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter

We enjoyed a warm Easter Sunday in our new back yard in Lubbock. We hope you enjoyed your Easter as well!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

3 months!

So much has changed in the past month! James Brigham is really growing and changing so much everyday. We thought he was a smiley boy before, but now, OH MY! He loves to smile and isn't shy about it. He's even laughing, but still not the real laugh he does during his sleep sometimes. We're still waiting for that :).

He likes to stand up and boy does he love to chat with mom and dad. Several nights I am in tears laughing so hard...he is just too cute and I love his little coos, gurgles, squeals, and singing. It makes it so hard for us to go to work everyday. A few days ago he woke up when I was getting ready for work and just talked to me from his crib as I got ready to leave.

Bath time is still his favorite part of the day. He is starting to kick around and play in the bath. I think he is going to love swimming!

He can hold his head up now and loves to look around now that he can see more.

Lazy Sunday morning. James and Dad sleep in while Mom gets ready for church. During the week Geoff wakes up to feed James, then they both go back to sleep for a couple hours. What a life ;). But, Geoff is also the one to stay up at night with baby.

Sunday morning chat with momma. The first 10 seconds are the cutest, then he decides to stop talking & just eats his hands. He is learning what his hands can do and to stick everything in his mouth.

Looking handsome in his new church outfit!