Friday, November 6, 2009

1 week old

After we were checked into the hospital and our doctor was called, we were informed she was on vacation for the weekend and the on call doctor would be delivering. We felt blessed because we ended up liking him a lot. I think he kind of looks like Geoff, what do you think?

The view from our postpartum recovery room.

While I was pregnant, I would rub the right side of my belly and James would stick his feet out to get a foot rub. On Saturday evening (1 day old) I discovered he still loves his little massages.

Getting ready to go home!

James had to lay in the sun for a few minutes in the morning for his jaundice.

Here he's asking for a foot rub :)

We decided that this was his position while in the womb...he loves to sleep like this and always reverts back to this position no matter what he is doing.

James had his first check-up on Tuesday (4 days old) to get his weight and color checked. Turned out his bilirubin levels from the jaundice were higher than normal, so he has had to do phototherapy for a few days.

He was able to come off the lamp today! We are excited and thankful for that. Yesterday Geoff pointed out to me that today James will be one week old. I looked at him like he was crazy but then realized that it has really been a whole week. It has gone by so fast! We are totally in love with this little boy and have been pleasantly surprised with how calm and peaceful he is. We're trying to enjoy it while it lasts!

Sunday, November 1, 2009